Monday, September 8, 2008

Analogue Game Creation, Part 3.

Hey there! Jeff here,

In todays entry for Analogue Game Creation, I'll be covering
Abstract Games VS. Theme Games! as related to game design and creation.

A couple definitions:
Abstract game. One in which there is no specific theme that places the game into a context, setting, location, time etc. For example the game connect four is an abstract game.

Theme Game. One in which the game takes place in a time, location, or references characters and/or a fictitious or real world setting. For example, Ticket to Ride is a theme-based game where players place railroads along routes at the height of the Industrial Revolution.

For me, theme is a pivotal way to come up with the initial game concept. Perfect Stride - Cross Country began with a statement very similar to this: "An exciting card game in which players race across country on horseback and jump obstacles" The theme involves a few elements: Horses, jumping, racing and countryside. There is no specific time period except to assume that the game occurs in the present. The themes involved are very important to the game and help make it what it is.

For the purpose of discussion, I'll relate the idea of abstract game design to the concept of game mechanic. In a previous posting I mention game mechanic as being what makes a game function. (more or less!) When discussing game mechanic I'd say... ignore the theme for a moment and focus only on what makes the game play function. So without theme we're left with only abstract concepts of game function or mechanic.

Back to theme. I almost always begin game design with a theme. That's the way my mind works. I tend to be somewhat of a dreamer. I think of far off places, fantastic characters, exciting events that happen in the past or future... I think of a specific theme and wrap game mechanics around it. In Perfect Stride - Cross Country we knew we wanted to create a game around the idea of a cross-country race that involved horses and jumps. Once we decided on the theme, we could begin asking questions which would spark ideas involving game mechanic.

Some of the questions we began asking ourselves were:
"how many jumps do we have?"
"are players in teams?"
"are the jumps 'jumper' style jumps or a combination of natural obstacles and constructed jumps?"
"does the race happen over minutes, hours, days, weeks or months?"
"what determines who wins the race?"

We just kept asking ourselves question after question after question, slowly refining the game and defining it by answering these questions. I've discussed brainstorming in previous posts and early on in game design, thinking of theme and brainstorming on theme can really help you come up with lots of different ideas. While brainstorming on theme it's extremely important that you only think about the what, where, who and why. Do not limit your thoughts by thinking about the how. How will come later, when you get back to thinking about abstract mechanic.

The game mechanics which were created for Perfect Stride - Cross Country required thinking of purely abstract concepts. It's important to really understand the difference between theme and abstract mechanic. Once you understand the differences, you can begin to keep your design process focused on one or the other. This will really help you fine-tune a game idea when play-testing begins.

That's it in a nutshell! Theme vs Abstract game design and creation!

Get those braincells moving! Start an Analogue gaming group with your friends! You'll have an awesome time and it's a perfect excuse to hang out and meet new people!

Feel free to comment on the blog, we'd love to hear your feedback!
Thanks for reading!


Jeff is a professional artist by day and analogue game designer and avid board game player by night and on the occasional weekend. ;)

Perfect Stride:Cross Country! Is the first game to be published by Funleague Games. It is currently in production and will be on gaming store shelves and available for purchase directly from Funleague Games at a vaguely ambiguous time in the not so distant future!

Follow our creation process here on and stay tuned to find out when the game is released!

Next Time: Game Artwork! (can I be any more vague!?!)

P.S. Bloggers are encouraged to quote from Funleague Games articles as long as they give us a proper credit for the quote, do not change the content and provide a link back to the article they're quoting. ~Thanks for being so web savvy!

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