Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Let's Start at the Beginning

Hi folks,

Kay here. How do you do? Jeff says hello as well. We are both the founders of Funleague Games.

About a year ago, Jeff and I had an idea to create a card game. We've both worked in the video games industry for about 10 years, but we've been fans of good ol' traditional card and board games for even longer than that; since we were kids, basically.

Being a bit of a horse fanatic, I thought, "Wouldn't it be great to make a horse-themed card game?" You can never have enough horse-themed stuff out there in the world. A card game would be super-cool. So we embarked upon the journey of creating our very first card game.

It's been an interesting adventure. We had to "learn as we go" so lots of wrong turns have been made, but every exploration has lead to a terrific experience and a stronger game.

Jeff and I look forward to documenting this journey. We have some catching up to do to get you all up to speed on where we're currently at.

Stay tuned!

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